Rammos Plastic Surgery

Body Procedures

Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy can change your life. It can also change your body by causing loose skin, saggy breasts, muscle separation, urinary incontinence, and loss of core strength. Pregnancy can also negatively affect the way your clothes fit and put a dent in your self-esteem. Many of these changes are permanent, no matter how much you diet and exercise.

A “Mommy Makeover” is a combination of procedures that can restore a woman’s body to her pre-baby look. The specific procedures vary, depending on each woman’s needs, but can include liposuction, a tummy tuck, and a breast lift and/or breast augmentation.

Genetics, pregnancy, and fluctuating weight can cause unappealing changes to your tummy, including stretch marks, excess skin, and looser muscles in your abdomen. A tummy tuck can help you restore your youthful-looking figure by trimming muscle and excess skin. Liposuction during a tummy tuck can remove stubborn fat and trim your waistline.

Certain parts of the body seem to hold onto stubborn fat, no matter how well you eat or how much you work out. Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that can remove fat from nearly any part of the body. Targeted fat removal with liposuction creates attractive contours of the body, especially when combined with other plastic surgery procedures, such as breast augmentations, tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, Brazilian butt lifts, neck lifts, and face lifts.

Arm lift surgery or Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure which reshapes the under portion of the upper arm from the underarm to the elbow. Excess skin is removed to achieve the desired improved contour and taut upper arms of your youth. Sometimes known as bat wings, this disproportionate upper arm is both aesthetically unappealing and can present hygiene issues.

The fat, tissue, and excess skin can be removed to give you the upper arm you will want to flaunt. Your upper arm will have a smoother contour, and an arm lift may even improve muscle tone.

Significant weight loss can leave behind saggy skin that no longer conforms to your new body. This loose skin can lower self-assurance, prevent you from wearing certain clothes with confidence, and even affect your ability to exercise comfortably.

Body contouring is a procedure in which your plastic surgeon removes excess skin and improves the shape of the underlying support tissue.

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat, tighten skin, re-shape and re-contour the upper thigh. Gravity, aging, and major weight loss can contribute to unsightly sagging, rippling and folding of the skin tissue. A thigh lift can dramatically alter the appearance of the upper legs often times with minimal or concealable scarring.

Butts come in all shapes and sizes, but many people do not like the size or shape of their buttocks. This is especially true in modern American culture, which appreciates a round derrière – many people who currently have flat bottoms want a little more “junk in their trunk.”

In the Brazilian butt lift procedure, the plastic surgeon takes fat from an area where you don’t want it and transfers it to your butt. Depending on your body type, the procedure can even make your waistline look slimmer by boosting the volume of your butt.

DAXXI special $9 per unit